Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ol Man Winter...

blew into town overnight with a vengence (and is still blowing now!) I know these pictures look the same as previous snow pictures. I took them from inside the house. No way am I going out in the cold and blowing snow. ICK! Kyle is at a bowling tournament in Ontario, OR (about 45 miles west of us). It will be a long, slow trip home, but at least the freeway is open. On the other hand, Marc is supposed to take a load to Seattle today (along with two other drivers). The mountain passes in Oregon all seem to be open (according to the road report websites) however, the biggie in Washington, Snoqualmie, is closed in both directions. No estimated time for opening is given either. They could go west to Portland, then up to Seattle, but Portland weather is bad too. Chains are required in the city! They are trying to decide if they should leave and get as far as they can or wait until tomorrow to try it. I'm hoping they wait.

My poor car! I really need to move it into the garage.
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1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh at the car comment because mine stays out in the driveway and I feel the same way about it! It's too bad that the boys have too much crap in my bay, so my car just won't fit. Why does DH's car get to go in, though? Not fair. LOL! Anyhoo.... great snow pics!
